
Club Sports Member Information & Waiver Form


UW-Whitewater Club Sports Member Information & Waiver Form

Required for ALL members of Club Sports teams. Form must be submitted prior to an individual attending/participating in their first club practice/meeting/event/competition/etc. Having form issues? Contact clubsports@uww.edu, visit Williams Center Room 100 or call 262-472-1145.

IMPORTANT - Review before starting

It is important you review this form thoroughly. Some fields are required and have additional instructions. Don't forget to scroll back up and click the submit button once the form is complete. Your signature and acknowledgements serve as confirmation you consent to items contained in this form. Only one form is required for each academic year unless any changes need to be made. Any issues or concerns must be addressed to SchneideMD30@uww.edu or clubsports@uww.edu IMMEDIATELY. Other formats of this form are available if you have issues - let us know if you need access to a different format.

This form is intended to be filled out in the order in which content is displayed to you. Please do not jump to other sections - complete everything in order or you may miss something, causing your submission to be considered incomplete.

This information and waiver form MUST be on-file with the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities PRIOR to participating in any event on behalf of any teams affiliated with Club Sports. Individuals must also acknowledge the following three statements at the end of this form by signing their name:

  • Assumption of Risk​
  • Hold Harmless, Indemnity and Release
  • Consent for Emergency Treatment

The form is NOT complete until all required information and signature(s) are supplied. Other eligibility requirements may apply. Administrative staff reserves the right to deny eligibility if this, and/or any other form, is not complete/accurate.